The Witches best Friend The magickal Cat!
Actually you do not have to be a witch to own one of these magickal cats!
All you have to do is find the cat you love and buy him or her !
THese are cat familars. THEy ARe HOUSED IN CAT PENDANTs in various colors. you will recieve the color of cat and the name with the pendant. FUN LOVING AND ESPECIALLY LIKES KIDS and families, They PLAYS LIKE A KITTENs BUT IS VERY SMART.
These cats talk, will be your familiar and friend
They bring with them:
Magick and wishes
Interpret your dreams and desires
Teach you of the old ways if you wish to know
And many other things.
These wonderful cats I offer for the season at an unbelievable price!
We have them in all colors and best of all they will crawl up in your lap or at your feet and comfort you in your time of need.
These are for any age, yes, my 6 year old has one, and any magickal ability.
So if you were brought here take a look around and find the one you are drawn to. You will receive the pendant with the cat spirit and complete instructions on how to bond! Don’t miss out on this great deal!
A little about cat history:
for thousands of years, cats have been regarded as mysterious creatures with supernatural powers. These beliefs certainly did not disappear during the European witch-craze
It has been said that a cat is more a spirit than an animal. Historically, little distinction has been drawn as to the difference between witches, fairies, spirits, goddesses, and the feline, for at different periods in time the cat was believed to represent them all in corporeal form.
--from Cat Spells by Claire Nahmad
The cat has always been considered a Moon creature, and sacred to such Goddesses as Isis, Bast, Artemis, Diana, and Freyja. When Diana became known as Queen of Witches in the Middle Ages, the cat was associated with Witchcraft and Goddess worship.
Followers of the goddess Diana also considered the cat sacred because she once assumed the form of a cat, and cats were under her special protection. In Scandanavia, Freya's chariot was drawn by cats. The Celtic goddess Ceridwen was also attended by white cats, who carried out her orders on earth.
It is generally assumed today that witches' familiars were (and are) always cats. However, during the Burning Times any small animal that was kept in the house was suspect, and records show that accused witches were forced to confess having familiar spirits in the form of cats, rats, mice, dogs, weasels and toads. It was also firmly believed that witches could take the shape of cats, and accusers sometimes claimed that they were followed or tormented by witches in the shape of cats.
Witches regard their cat familiars as founts of wisdom and occult secrets. Cats can lead their mistresses in dreams to spiritual knowledge. They can foretell the future, predict the weather, and bless magickal endeavors, and represent the soul of magick, secrecy, and freedom