Advance Reader's Copy/Uncorrected Proof. Collectible item.
An Advance Reader's Copy (ARC) is a paperback book published prior to the hardcover retail editions. These uncorrected proofs are published in very limited quantities. Many serious collectors consider ARCs/Uncorrected Proofs to be the true first edition. They're "not for sale" because they're intended solely for publicity and media reviews, making them rare and very collectible. ARCs may lack the final artwork, formatting, and binding of the finished product. The text of an advance edition may also differ slightly from the market book (the final version that is distributed for sale), because changes may be made after advance readers make comments or find errors in the manuscript.
"When she awoke as a cat, Dolores Tremayne saw no immediate advantage in having four paws instead of two arms and two legs…" A brilliant, funny novel of love, marriage and modern life. When the cat’s away, the mice will play – but who will oversee the cat? When Dolores Tremayne, a successful business executive, travels overseas, part of her remains mysteriously behind in X, the family’s indoor cat. Through feline eyes, Dolores witnesses the shocking behavior of her errant husband, the stalled novelist Gerald Tremayne. Far away in Germany, the human Dolores is conducting high-powered negotiations with a prestigious auto-maker, but back at home, her husband’s liaisons force him into ever more drastic exploits. Meanwhile, Dolores begins to wonder about the strange words and images that have begun to pop into her head, as if from nowhere. Funny and memorable, Alan S. Cowell's Cat Flap will appeal to all fans of clever satire. About the Author |