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In the Winter of 2006, My Wiccan friend attended a gathering of many Friends & Family Members. At one point after dinner, a small older group of women began discussing Magick, and those who practiced, talked about how they work and alter different spell and potions. This conversation led to the subject about how my friend consecrates certain pieces for me. My friend also spoke of the psychic charged pieces, spirit attached pieces as well as Emma's great collection. All of the women were extremely interested in how my Reader, Wiccan friend, Psychic friend and I came to meet and begin putting up these items so that they could "find their rightful owners". They discussed the subject late into the night until it was time for all to part and go their separate ways.






However, one woman, Albina, an 84 year old & A longtime friend of my Wiccan friend's Grandmother and also an elder in her Grandmother's "circle", approached my friend at the end of the night. She suggested that she meet with my friend after the holidays because she wanted to discuss "something of interest" with her. Curious as to what this woman wanted to talk to her about, my friend agreed and shortly after the New Year the two women met for lunch.

Apparently, Albina, began telling my friend about all of the pieces in her own collection of jewelry amongst other items. Soon, she revealed that when my friend was discussing the pieces we had discovered and that she has consecrated, she began feeling as if she would like to be involved somehow. Albina also revealed that as she had aged, she had begun feeling as if she had "no outlet for her abilities" and that she was also feeling quite unhappy about this. So, she first showed my friend her impressive collection of her own pieces which were mostly consecrated yet, many were also beautiful spirited attached and blessed items. By the end of their meeting, Albina actually had GIVEN quite a lot of her pieces to my friend with the explanation that "younger people will have more use for them". At first my friend hesitated in taking these pieces from her however, Albina not only strongly insisted she also asked if she could consecrate some jewelry for us as well.

Within days, my Wiccan friend met with me and explained all that had occured. In turn, after a meeting with all of those involved including my reader, we arrived at the decision to put up the pieces that Albina gave my friend and also allow her to consecrate jewelry. As my Wiccan friend says, Albina has been practicing the Magickal Arts since young adulthood and she is now 87 years old. So, we consider her offer and the powerful pieces she has given us a wonderful blessing! For the past two months, we have been studying and letting my reader "feel" each piece, as well as obtaining information about each from Albina.

I also did not want this collection to be confused with Emma's items, so I waited to put any up until after her collection ended. What we have discovered is another extraordinary collection while also having the honor of Albina's presence, knowledge and remarkable ability to powerfully consecrate pieces for us. With that said, here is one of the pieces from Albina. Many Blessings to her for her generous spirit and gifts!

*~About the Pendant necklace: 1 1/2" x 2 1/2", .925 Silver Green Agate Stone pendant , Chain is Silverplated , 18" in length and has a c clasp closure ( may be replaced without harm to the imbued pendant). Inspiring Magickal imbued with IMMENSELY POWERFUL Magick!!

Albina has imbued this very captivating pendant necklace with the Third of her "Life Cycle" Spells which include Fire, Water and Earth. Albina's "Earth Magick" spell represents Death ( or RESOLUTION). She chose Earth to symbolize this stage of life because she felt "our bodies return to the Earth when we die, so the Earth is a good representation of the end of the life cycle". This GREAT spell promotes many powers including: resolutions of one's problems and bringing one " back down to Earth" by grounding one, balancing, restoring energies, assisting in the completion of tasks and acceptance of "things that have gone past", enhancing strength and power gained from former experiences, allowing the acknowledgement of present yet, ignored information in order to move forward, orderliness, the drawing in of "Earthly energies", as well as the stimulation of automatic writing and telepathy.

Albina says that this spell will grant it's bearer "the ability to draw in energies from the Earth that will allow one to gain these many powers" which promotes a "the ability to complete tasks left unresolved and accomplished". She also explains that this Magick provides a "grounding and balancing of one's energies that will allow one to become centered" and feel "whole". These same energies also promote many "higher" powers such as automatic writing and telepathy with one gaining the power to not only send telepathic messages but receive them as well. She adds that one will also gain access to the spirit realm via "psychic journeys in which one will receive special information from the spirit realm that will not only assist in allowing one to live their most "ideal" life but also help one to receive information about what 'one's time on Earth's purpose has been".

Albina also wanted me to add that with all three of her personal pieces, she was able to "ascend to a level of knowledge and power" because of the "abilities and strengths that I was able to access after these Magickals became part o my life". She says that the ONLY reason she is parting with this beloved set is because "they are not being utlilized to their full potential and it is time to let them go". She also wanted me to note that "it is not necessary to obtain all three of the Magickals" in order for one to acquire the greatest effect of these spells. However, she does say that that three together are " a great united force of Magick". Still, she requested that the set be listed one at a time because she believes that if the three "are meant to got to one person they shall". With that said, Albina sends the new bearer of these Magickals her Blessings and respect! My Thanks to Albina for her amazing time and talents!!

My reader was not available at the time of this listing!!

About the Pendant necklace: 1 1/2" x 2 1/2", .925 Silver Green Agate Stone pendant , Chain is Silverplated , 18" in length and has a c clasp closure ( may be replaced without harm to the imbued pendant). Inspiring Magickal imbued with IMMENSELY POWERFUL Magick!!





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