NOVEMBER 23 1953



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Pg… 29 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Close–Up of a Ghost Named Harry Dexter White

Pg… 37 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Portrait of a Man Dreaming Up a Coup

Pg… 38 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Mossadegh's Great Ham Act is Wasted

Pg… 40 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: A Relaxed Magsaysay and the Honest Ballot Both Win

Pg… 42 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Look Folks, Our President is Speaking French

Pg… 46 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: LIFE on the Newsfronts of the World

Pg… 48 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Republicans Bounce Back in California

Pg… 53 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Arkansas Turkey Trot

Pg… 58 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: New Look at the Old Falange Salute

Pg… 36 EDITORIAL: Trieste is More than a City

Pg… 115 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAY: Renaissance of the Rails, Photographed for LIFE by Albert Fenn

Pg… 74 ARTICLE: The War Memoirs of Sir Winston Churchill, Vol. VI, Part V "Triumph and Tragedy"

Pg… 65 THEATER: Josephine the Great

Pg… 105 MEDICINE: Clinic for Headaches

Pg… 112 DANCE: A Ballet Beauty Multiplied

Pg… 126 ART: The Plight of a Pretty Painting Student

Pg… 137 MOVIE: Stars Take Cinemascope Lying Down

Pg… 140 TELEVISION: A Silent Dinah Shore

Pg… 155 ARCHAEOLOGY: City of Darius and Xerxes

Pg… 163 SPORTS: The One–Two Punch from Illinois

Pg… 169 MODERN LIVING: Women's Homework is Displayed

Pg… 173 HISTORY: The Raising of Penetanguishene's Pride

Pg… 11 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editors

Pg… 20 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Speaking of Pictures: American Babes in Vienna Woods Annoy Russian Bear

Pg… 132 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Sequel: Flying Pole Lands in U.S. School

Pg… 178 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: LIFE'S Party: The Past is Played Back for Birthday

Pg… 184 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Miscellany: Example for a Baby