
While a standard spell service can be helpful to many, if you have tried this route in the past and it hasn't worked for you, something stronger is required. Or perhaps you have a really stubborn person on your hands and deep down inside you know the situation requires more work and STRONGER work .

This spell service is designed for those of you caught up in a love triangle of some kind. Perhaps you are having an affair and they are already with someone else and you want them to leave that relationship. Or perhaps you have an ex you are trying to win back but need them to leave their existing relationship (If you are targetting an ex, you'll need the RETURN TO ME package done too or it won't work).

Getting someone who is already in a relationship to LEAVE that other person is almost impossible. I see it time and time again in my psychic reading service - only very rarely is there ever an outcome in favour of the one left waiting in the wings. With nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain, try this spell and be amazed at the results !

NOTE : If there are children involved in the relationship you want broken up, I very rarely take on such cases . I'd have to be truly convinced of the reasons they ought to be apart. And if your target is someone you have not been seeing long who is happily married for the most part, this service will be refused. It is really important you are totally honest with me else you will just waste your money and my time.







For this ritual, I focus SOLELY on break up work for 30 consecutive days. PICTURES ARE INCLUDED for every day's work. I label each of my spellvelopes (envelopes with your spell mix in) with your name, the number of the casting and the date. I send a batch of photos every 7 days .

The main bulk of the work involves casting the same Break Up t spell every single day for a month in a small cauldron that will ONLY be used for YOUR spell work . The repetition of a single spell builds up a tremendous cone of magickal power in a way that standard spell work can't. Break Up work focuses on breaking down the relationship, causing discord between the couple, and making the target more in tune with their feelings for YOU and more clear about why they need to leave the other person.

In addition to casting the Break Up spell for 30 days, the service involves setting up a special ceremony . For this, I will make up a special jar spell designed to break down their relationship and set it on a mini alter just for you, surrounded by various charms, talismans, herbs, roots, curios all known for their discordant properties. Each day for 30 days, a candle coated with BREAK UP oil and INFLAMMATORY CONFUSION oil will be burned on the jar.

At the end of the 30 day period, I will then make up a very powerful spell bottle which will be mailed out to you. This bottle will contain the ashes of each of the 30 spells cast for you, along with roots, herbs, crystals and other items to both encourage deeper commitment AND "seal" the work of the previous days.

It is perfectly fine to order this service if you are already having other work done, or have had work done recently. If you are targetting an EX lover here, you will also need the RECONCILIATION package done.







1. Some strands of your hair

2. Some of your nail clippings

4. If possible, something small belonging to them and the other person - it can be hair , a snippet of clothing , a button off a shirt, a sample of their writing cut from a note they left you, etc. If you don't have anything like this, email me their photo.

5. I also need a photo of you and one of the 3rd party, if possible . These can be emailed

6. Your full name and date of birth, plus their full name and date of birth and the 3rd person's full name . If you cannotg get the birth date for the 3rd party, don't worry.









IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, please read the 2 pages in the menu area of my site, www.tarotmagick.co.uk, that answer common questions and provide other, general info. Please do not email me any questions until you have read through those pages as all questions are answered there. If there is something you want to ask that I have forgotten to cover, THEN you can email me !

Payment for this service MUST be upfront in one go. If results manifest before the 30 days, I will continue castings but change the spell so that it focuses on strengthening the union to ensure they stick around.


Once you have made payment, use the contact form to get in touch with me. I respond to most emails within 24 hours, just bear in mind any time difference as I am in the UK. And CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL FOLDER !! I can also be reached on Facebook - click the link in the banner at the top of the website.

Once we have communicated, can I politely request that you do not constanly email me with questions, thoughts, requests for updates, etc. I expect some emails but there are always some people who send me non-stop emails and this is incredibly annoying !! I appreciate you are spending alot of money and are going to be anxious for results, perhaps feeling highly emotional, etc but please do not barrage me ;)

