27X FULL COVEN WITCH'S BROOM ASTRAL JOURNEYS spell CAST for you by 97 year old Witch



OUR COVEN LED BY 97 YEAR OLD Albina will cast this amazing JOURNEYS AND TRAVEL SPELL for you!! 





This is a 27X FULL COVEN SPELLALBINA'S MENTOR ALEXANDRIA called her very powerful spell called her ""Witch's Broom" spell. This is a VERY powerful spell that promotes travel which includes, recognizing dark or harmful energies, psychic journeys, astral travel, teleportation, and visitations to other periods of time! Albina says that the effect of this amazing spell allows a one to experience many mystical journeys that will enhance one's life and level of awareness, wisdom and strengths. She adds that Alexandria once again "requested" that she share this spell that we had previously searched for desperately through many journals that Albina has kept over the years. During the casting, Albina says that she experiences "visions" of Alexandria's life experiences. She says that this spell " will assist one in finding every piece to the puzzle that was formerly left unfinished!"

She says that one can expect, much like a Witch taking flight upon her broom, to experience many dreams as well as conscious experiences where one "sees" for the first time different significant time periods whether they occurred during this life..or the last. She adds that one will also find themselves experiencing evolved psychic events, astral journeys that take one far away from one's body and usually to areas of significance once again, and teleportation, where one will usually awake in a different place in which one fell asleep ( eventually and with great practice one may be able to accomplish this while conscious as well). Albina explains that all of these powers came "with ease" to Alexandria who was capable of all of these strengths during her lifetime. She believes that she requested this spell, because " of a greater and higher purpose".




In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELL'S ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!






Please allow 1-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given