
Balneum Plus Bath Oil, 500ml

Balneum Plus Bath Oil is a powerful moisturising bath oil that contains active ingredients designed to relieve itching of dry skin, and to leave it feeling smoother and softer.

Skin conditions like psoriasis deprive the skin of moisture, leaving it itchy, red, and sore. Itchiness associated with these conditions can cause sufferers to scratch their skin and worsen the condition.

This bath oil contains both lauromacrogols and soya bean oil that work together to improve symptoms of dry skin conditions.

Lauromacrogols are local anaesthetics that help to ease itching with its anti-pruritic action. The soya bean oil helps to hydrate the skin and restores suppleness. It works as an emollient, forming tiny droplets in water and leaving a protective, ‘occlusive’ layer on the skin surface that slows evaporation, helping the upper skin layers to retain more moisture.

Balneum Plus Bath Oil can be used by all age groups as a replacement for standard soaps and cleansers, which may strip the skin of essential oils.

Full immersion in the bath water soothes and moisturises the entire body, helping to prevent skin from drying out; but the oil can also be used in the shower.






Frequency and duration of baths will depend on the severity of your skin condition. In general, the oil should be used at least three times per week by adults (or as directed by your doctor). Daily bathing is generally recommended for babies and children.

If you only have a small, localised patch of dry skin that does not require total immersion of the body in water, use a bowl or sink for a partial bath with the recommended amounts above.

Do not use soap with the bath oil. This will remove the protective emollient layer from the skin.

If you want to use the oil in the shower, first apply it evenly over the body without adding water. The excess oil can be removed under the shower, but take care not to excessively rinse and remove the desired oils from the skin.




Side Effects


