A. A small battery mounted to the board will last a few hours. A larger battery on the ground can last over 24+ hours.
Q. If I make a few of these what can I sell them for? A. Your cost will be less than $50 before the battery purchase. If you plan on selling the Animatronic Boards with no accessories you can easily get over $200 each. If you package it with a $100 Mannequin and a battery you can easily get $750+ and still be cheaper than anyone else.
Q. Are the hard to build? A. No all you need to know how to do is drill a few holes and make a few cuts with a hacksaw.
Q. Are the motors hard to find. A. No every town has multiple places that sell them. To get the best price you will need to make a few calls. They are also available in any quantity online for about $16 each. We will tell you where.
Q. Will I need to get any parts or supplies from you. A. We sell no parts everything is available locally.
Q How much does the animatronic board weigh? A. 13 pounds including a 3+ hour on board battery.
Q. Is it one specific manufacturer on the motor? A. No there are many manufacturers.
Q. Can I make these and rent them out? A. Yes. Once you get a few of these out on the street other business owners will want them. Include your contact info on every one that you make.
Q. Will others copy my design? A. It is possible to enclose most of the mechanical features so they are not visible.
Q. What about rain? A. The motors are made water resistant.
Q. Are these moving signs allowed everywhere? A. If your town has human sign wavers then these should be ok also. Just use common sense. You won’t be able to put one in the highway median.
Q. I see a Hugh potential for these everything from election signs to yard sale signs. How can I get the production cost lower? A. The $50 cost per sign before battery purchase is buying everything at retail cost. When you start to make wholesale purchases you can get down to less than $25 each!
Q. How do you deliver these instructions? A. We send them to your email address. Usually in just a couple minutes. It can however take as long as 24 hours in rare instances.
Q. What if I have a question after the purchase? A. We offer free lifetime support
Q. I am not a sign builder. What if a client wants me to include the sign? A. We have instructions on sign building methods that require no special sign machines. Testimonials
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