Dragon's Blood Protection Power Love 1 Ounce Dropper Bottle
(Amour de puissance de protection du sang du dragon)
Many years ago my mother became friends with a elderly lady fresh off the boat from Haiti.
She was a tenant in one of my mother’s rental houses. She had this and many other oils and constantly used them to help others. When she passed my mother was tasked with cleaning out her home. She had no living relatives. One of the items left behind was her "spell book" with this recipe and hundreds of others. Mom had the book translated from Haitian Creole to English. This original Spell Book recipe is what is now contained in this One ounce bottle. We make this item in very small batches and we guarantee its freshness! Dragons Blood Oil is one of the more powerful conjure oils that is known to be very effective for protection, love, potency and cleansing. It is, in fact, one of the more powerful ingredients to use in any type of ritual. Although it comes from varies sources. Historically it was used in funerary rites and served as a powerful embalming agent. There is some folklore that suggest Dragons Blood even has the power to enable shape shifting. It can be virtually used for anything, including a magickal ink for writing out petitions. The forces within enable Protection Power Love and Cleansing from other spells. There are incalculable ways you can use Dragon's Blood Oil. It very well may be worn, touched on special necklaces and charms, dropped into the shower, blessed on significant papers or reports. Drop a couple of drops in each side of your home for assurance and to oust negative energy. When performing flame divination, bless on purple candles for power, dark to free pessimistic energy or individuals, white to attract new energy or red for affection and sexuality. In the event that you add some attractive sand, iron fillings or a straightforward lodestone into the oil it will make an amazing drawing oil. It can likewise be added to magical elements or to expand their adequacy. It might likewise be utilized as a portrayal of blood. Mix some with some ground cinnamon and coriander to cause an amazing Spanish fly to summon oil. Drop somewhat over a charcoal circle and use it as a smear for the body and your home. On the off chance that you add a touch of camphor and you will have a superb expulsion smear. Sold as a Curio. For external use only. Keep away from children & pets |