Introducing A New Collection Of Magickals
There are some things that simply cannot be Explained. They are here on Earth to help us to broaden our minds and open us to the possibilities that exist beyond our visual scope.
Owning one of these articles is a privilege and honor.
Please do not consider if paranormal activity scares you.
Owned and used by Sorcerer's sect of the Illuminati.
This Ring is called "Servitor of the High Priestess"

This is a one of a kind magickal that will change your life.
It has layer upon layer of spells cast upon it from at least 50 covens around the World.
It is called the Servitor of the High Priestess because when you speak your will, it takes form and becomes a physical entity that gets the job done.
A servitor is a created being designed for some purpose. This entity has the functionality of whatever its creator has given to it.
This is an unbound spirit that is dynamic and ever changing according to what you want and need. In all my work in the Metaphysical, I have never encountered an item like this and I am tempted to keep it....
You will see physical manifestations when you wear this item. Your psychic powers will go through the roof as your intuition will be fully activated.
The uses for this ring are limitless. You do not have to have experience to use.
You will feel the power surging through this piece when you touch it.
Ring is old, sterling silver with a green Aventurine middle stone flanked on both sides by natural rubies. Size 8.
Green Aventurine neutralizes all sources of electromagnetic pollution, blocking out emanations from computers, television and other electronic equipment.
Ruby is a protective stone. These elements further the powers of this lovely piece by keeping original energies pure and potent.
I do not know how this article will benefit you. I only know that it will. It is here due to unexplained circumstances and I truly feel that it will change many lives.

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