This attunement will help to heal COUPLES!!!
This will assist in:
Here is a healing couples attunement to activate the healing of :
*Energies that are not in sync
*Past life wounds
* Harbored negative energies
*Dense space energy
*Dark cycles that repeat negative habits
*De-armoring the Heart
*Enhancing of Self Love
Ehancing Love in Relationships
(healing, lessons, gaining perspective, releasing the old and building trust, healthy boundaries and balance)
In couples attunment healing, one's heart is a portal to the divine, a gateway to the cosmos, to unconditional love, abundance, fulfilment, joy and flow. The healed heart opens up to so much, but over lifetimes we build up protective armour around our heart to avoid getting hurt again. Memories of heartache, betrayal, rejection, abandonment and loss often lead to imbalanced relationships, imbalance in giving and receiving, and mistrust in opening our hearts to experience deep fulfilling love.
Healing attunments greatly enhance De-armoring, which is a powerful process of being vulnerable, exploring and understanding what we hold in our sacred heart and why. As we let go, we allow intimate reconnection with ourselves and our heart, we open the doors to unconditional love.
Blessings and please allow 2- 3 days for this to full align