Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
Founded in 1850, one of America's oldest literary magazines, and is still in publication! This 100 + year old magazine has interesting articles, stories and drawings from famous writers and illustrators, and vintage advertisements of the day -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *

ISSUE DATE: September 1881, vol. 63, issue 376

[Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] *

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THE LITTLE KINGS AND QUEENS.-A POEM . . . Helen Hunt Jackson. ILLUSTRATION. Drawn by Jessie Curtis She pherd. Engraved by Cole.

THE ENGLISH AT THE SEA-SIDE . . . William Henry Rideing. ILLUSTRATIONS. Drawn by C. S. Reinhart. Engraved by Putnam, Tietze, and Villemsens. Bathing Vans, Margate.-'Arry looking for cheap Lodgings.-On Brighton Pier.-Girls bathing, Brighton.-Windlass, Brighton.-Looking east at low Tide, Brighton.-The Photog rapher, Brighton." Chuck us in a Penny."-Old Dowager, Brighton.-Hastings Castle.-On Margate Pier.-On Margate Sands.

TO-MORROW AT TEN.-A NEWPORT IDYL . . . Nora Perry. ILLUSTRATION. Drawn by T. de Thulstrup. Engraved by Putnam. " What is that ?-you've been ill all this Year ?".

SUMMERING AMONG THE THOUSAND ISLES . . . E. H. Ropes. ILLUSTRATIONS. Drawn by Schell and Hogan, J. H. Cocks, and C. Graham. Engraved by Hoskins, Buechner, Pettit, Cole, Held, Langridge, Harley, Sheil, King, and S. P. Davis. Lotos Land.-Thousand Island Park: Boat-Houses and Cottages.-Alexandria Bay.-Chapel on Mount Beulah, Westminster Park.-Poplar Bay.-J. G. Holland.-The Rift: Entrance to the Lake of the Isles.-The Sentinel: Entrance to the Lake of the Isles.-A Picnic.-=In Canadian Waters.-Light-House at the Entrance to Lost Channel.-Indian Camp.-Running the Rapids.-A_ Glimpse of Montreal.

THE WIDOW LEE'S SON WILL.-A POEM . . . Marinus Willett. With Two Illustrations. Drawn by Alfred Fredericks, Engraved by Buechner and Deis.

THE GIRLS' SKETCHING CAMP . . . Olive Thorne Miller. ILLUSTRATIONS. Drawn by 1%v: A. Rogers and Douglas Volk. Head-Piece.-The Howling Swell and the Battery of Glasses.-The Larks' Nest." What! no Onions ? Oh -An Old Folk's Concert by the Bees.-Awful Vision of the Boston SchoolMa'ams.-Trip up the Songo.-The Exhibition.-Tail-Piece.

AN OLD FORT, AND WHAT CAME OF IT . . . Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston. ILLUSTRATIONS. From Photographs by Pach and Ranger. Engraved by Winham, Schelling, Kruell, Harley, Schutz, Caughlin, Held, Langridge, Smart, and Mayer Colonel Williams's Monument, near Lake George.-West College.-East College and Library.-Mission Park Monument.-Jackson Hall.-The Observatory.-The old College Chapel, Griffin Hall, and Soldiers' Monument.-Mark flop kins.-Front and Transept of New Chapel. -Clark Hall.-Flora's Glen.-Goodrich Hall.-Main Street, looking east from East College.

ON STAR ISLAND.-A POEM . . . Sarah Orne Jewett. With an Illustration. Drawn by Thomas Moran. Engraved by Hoskin.

THE FRAMING AND HANGING OF PICTURES . . . F. Oakey. ILLUSTRATIONS. Drawn by A. F. Oakey. Frame for Raphael's " Transfiguration."-Frame for small Portrait, with Background.Frame Mouldings.-Frame for Gerard Douw's Portrait by himself.

AN ARTIST'S REMINISCENCES.-II. ADONIRAM ALGEROY . . . William Holbrook Beard. With an Illustration. Drawn by W. H. Beard. Engraved by Bernstrom.

ANNE.-A NOVEL . . . Constance Fenimore Woolson. ILLUSTRATION. Drawn by C. S. Reinhart. Engraved by Smithwick and French. " While her Maid was coiling her fair Hair.".

WHEAT FIELDS OF THE NORTHWEST . . . Edward Storrs Atwater.

AT DEACON TWOMBLY'S.-A STORY . . . By the Author of " Gemini".

THE GERMAN EMPIRE . . . Professor Herbert Tattle.

THE CHANCES OF WAR, AND HOW ONE WAS MISSED . . . Annie Howells Frechette.

THE CHAMBER OF SILENCE.-A POEM . . . Mrs. Julia C. R. Dorr.

A LAODICE AN.-BOOK THE FOURTH.--SOMERSET, DARE, AND DE STANCY . . . Thomas Hardy. ILLUSTRATION.-Drawn by Du Maurier. Engraved in London.

EDIT'OR'S EASY CHAIR: The attempted Assassination of the President.-Wendell Phillips's Oration at the Centen nial Anniversary of the P B. K.-The American Novel.-English Flunkyism.

EDITOR'S LITERARY RECORD: The Correspondence of Prince Tall eyrand.-Ham inond on Certain Conditions of Nervous Derannement.-Beard's American Nervousness.-Oakey's Beauty in Dress.-Harper's Cyclopm dia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature.-White's England Without and Within.-Miiller's Chips from a German Workshop.-Bushnell's Work and Play.-Fay's Music Studv in Germ any.-Plilbrick's American Sanitary Engineering.-Recent Novels.

EDITOR'S HISTORICAL RECORD: Political Intelligence.-Disasters.-Obituary.

EDITOR'S DRAWER: Robert Toombs on the early Situation of the Confederate Government.-°`Orlando and January" (Ten Illustrations).-Anecdote o£ Mr. Biggar. "Floored but jolly."-Anecdote of the present Pope..-Black and Ingersoll.-Humors from the President's Sick-Room.-Humorous Reminiscences of Carlyle.--" The First Baby" (Two Illustrations).
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.
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This 100+ year old magazine is the ORIGINAL first edition, NOT a reprint. COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo) The pages are clean and bright. Size: 6oe" X 10". A great snapshot of the time, and a terrific Birthday present or Anniversary gift!
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