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For Men or Women




This Gorgeous ring was meticulously spell cast over a period of 36 months by the Sorcerer's sect of the Illuminati.

It is called, appropriately "SLEEPING BEAUTY"



These spells are extremely powerful and will completely change your life.


Spells were carefully infused into the ring using highly secretive and powerfully effective means. These spells will never fade and will serve you for a life time and beyond.

You will feel the tremendous powers of the Illuminati as the energies course through your veins.

This ring works mainly while you are sleeping.

Sleeping spells are simply the most effective because they work when your guard is down and you are not trying to control the outcome.

This is something most people do without knowing they are doing it.

Your energies will mix with the spells on this ring easily and will begin to turn the aging clock back.

You will look and feel more beautiful than you ever have.

Toned body

Shiny, healthy hair

Eyes that are more colorful

Flawless skin


Some will remark on your changes while others will feel jealous of your new found HOT ENERGY!

Be prepared for more steamy relationships, more satisfying sex and more excitement as you become the vision of a living Goddess!

Beauty will also find you in other ways as you connect with this rare power. Money will come to you easily. Unexpected windfalls and promotions will follow. This will enable you to live the life you have always dreamed of without worry about the future.


You will live a true fairy tail as this ring transforms your very existence into one of pure magickal manifestation.

The Illuminati has some of the most powerful spells known to exist. This ring is above and beyond anything you will see again.



Ring: 925 sterling silver. Beautiful UNISEX design with sparkling sapphires and diamonds! All sizes available. Please specify your size when you check out.

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Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.



Many Payment Options:

Paypal, credit and debit cards.




I will ship your item promptly upon cleared payment.

I will ship your package via first class postal service unless other arrangements are made in advance. First class shipping is free. No insurance is provided under this free shipping method. Insurance is your responsibility and is highly recommended. I am not liable for packages lost in the mail.


Note: If you would like an expedited method of shipping, please message me so that I can calculate the cost for you.



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