The human body cannot synthesize vitamin C.
Terranova multicomplex contains magnesium, potassium and calcium ascorbate in combination with plants rich in vitamin C.

     Magnifood complex contains: rosehip, dog thorn fruit and acai berries. These plants are a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin E;
     Suitable for pregnant women, children and people with sensitive stomachs.
    Rosehip, in which the concentration of vitamin C is even 100 times higher than orange, is the richest natural source of vitamin C.
    Acerola, acai berries and dog thorn fruit / leaf are a very potent source of vitamin C and contain a wide range of water-soluble antioxidants that protect vitamin C from oxidation. Acai berries also contain vitamin E, which is known to participate in the recycling of oxidized vitamin C in the body.

Usage: Adults - One to two capsules daily with a meal.