I have been getting many requests for these beautiful crystals lately, so I thought I would make them available on Bonanza!
These are genuine herkimer diamonds!
They are spell cast to amplify your magickals, spirits and spells, They recharge your items and help you to make a stronger connection!
You will recieve 1 herkimer diamond crystal and 1 velvet pouch.
Place your magickal jewelry inside the bag along with the crystal, leave for 24 hours...
When you take it out, it will be BUZZING WITH POWER!
Spirits consider this an offering, so they in turn will reward you again and again!
Cleanses, recharges and removes all negativity from your items.
Your spell cast items will be even stronger than they were originally!
You will benefit from your items more than ever before!
This beautiful item is self charging. It has a renewable energy that will never diminish!
Buy more than one for extra power!
I only have a handful available.
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Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.
See my other listings for more great items!