About the ring: size 8, 925 silver gold wash inlaid crystal gemstone band ring. FREE MAGICK!
Albina has consecrated this VERY ATTRACTIVE free Ring with a spell that she calls her "Divine Order" spell. This spell will assist one in bringing order and priorities into one's personal life. She says that this spell will also assist one with the concept of organization by promoting order amongst one's usage of time and by helping one arrange events in the most benficial manner that brings balance and resolution into one's life. Albina says that this spell will greatly benefit those who feel stressed because of time constraints or those who feel as if they have difficulty "keeping all that is presently going on in their lives running smoothly". She also notes that this particular spell also helps one to pritoritize what truly "needs" to be done instead of what one "wants" to be done. She notes that by becoming aware of one's priorities alone, and that which is of "true importance", one will begin to realize how much time one formerly wasted trying to achieve unnecessary goals and how often this was taking place.
Albina says that she herself has implemented this spell to assist her with a problem she had with overextending herself. She says that she used to have so many tasks & make commitments with so many people in her life that she "never felt as if she had time to think". So, she consecrated a ring with this spell that a late high Priestess had written in her own Book of Shadows. After the ritual to imbue her own ring, Albina says she felt a complete "turn around" in her methods and thought processes ands within a week's time she was more ordwerly and organized. Then, she says from that point on, she has always called upon the same imbued ring when she finds her self "becoming overwhelmed by busy seasons or very full schedules that require priorities and great organization". As a result, she says that with the help of this Magick, she has been able to "suddenly see what needs to be done, and what can be eliminated without a terrible disruption to myself or others". She closed by stating that "this is an incredibly useful magickal item that has remained close to me because of how frequently I have found a need for it in my own life". Many Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her GREAT wisdom and abilities!!