Luminaries - WITH TEA LIGHTS - one set



Hard Plastic Shell Sets

A Set of 12 PURPLE Luminaries with TEA LIGHTS

12 PURPLE Hard Shell Luminaries with 12 TEA LIGHTS

Traditional Shape & Style - looks just like the old-fashioned paper sack but without all the problems.
No folding required - saves time, hassle and frustration.

  • Beautiful Warm Glow - Luminaries radiate a warm glow with both the long buring candles and the electric bulbs. This glow enhances all your events and turns them into very special occasions.
  • Waterproof, Durable, and Reusable - Luminaries are made from a sturdy polymer with UV inhibitors that is resistant to weather and the elements. Our Luminaries are tough enough to stand on and can be used season after season and year after year.
  • They are open at top. You can cover the tops with Foil to block out snow and rain.

  • Timesaving - easy to install and store. Use sand, gravel, or water for weighting or our special stakes which let you use the Luminaries on uneven surfaces and slopes. No other luminary has the versatility of Luminaries. They even nest for efficient and easy storage.
  • Hard Shell Luminaries - the Weatherproof and Reusable Solution for your Holiday and Outdoor Party Lighting needs.

    Sold exclusively by South Creek Nursery Of Palmyra

