Okunevâ?s original musical language is famous for diverse thematic range, subtle beauty of harmony and style in connection with constructive distinction, unconventional polyphonic approach as well as broad treatment of tonality, even with a flavor of polytonal consonance. Okunevâ?s piano works though not great in amount have been following him all his life. Separate miniatures, cycles, most of these works are included in the program. The titles of the works are not of primary importance (for instance the Preludes cycle has no title) but the images, the beauty and pictures of the creative thinking, genre peculiarities which are brightly expressed. As the works of D. Shostakovich and O. Yevlakhov, Okunevâ?s teachers, Okunevâ?s works also reflect â??chronicleâ? of his times, sound aura of the surrounding world. Okunev created Preludes cycle in 1959, he lived in Kirghizia and did teaching in Frunze musical college. Musical folklore of the place influenced images and means of expression in his Preludes in particular. Okunev resorted to piano genre, created plays of different levels for students. He included original folk songs and their interpretations, for example in suites â??My Dayâ? or â??Three kyusâ? (kyu â??Kirghizian musical genre). These works prepared a big concert cycle â?? the 12 Preludes.