2X RETURNING TIDE spell Cast TWICE for you by 91 year old Witch
Albina will DOUBLE cast this amazing RETURNING Spell for you FOR FAST AND POWERFUL RESULTS!!
This is a spell she calls her very powerful"The Returning Tide" and the POTENT energies that is draws in will "bring back benefits, opportunities and assist in recovering that which was lost or taken from one!"She says that this AMAZING "olde" spell which is dervied from Italian Magick will "draw upon the POTENT energies of the Moon that create a "pulling force that is as strong as the returning Ocean tide" with "that which has been impacted and imprinted with the bearer's personal energies as well as those who have emotional ties to the bearer! Albina says that much like "the GREAT pull of the returning tide" this spell promotes "a drawing force of energies around the bearer that will create a reintroduction of many positive and cherished experiences, events, items, "good" fortune and individuals that one missed or let go of".
Albina does say that this Magick will never effect another's free will! However, one will notice that these immensely powerful energies will "definitely attract and draw many to do what is right, or what is in their heart even if " to assist the bearer. She adds that "the energies of this spell will not only "draw that which rightfully belongs to one back to one" it will also "raise and emit a charge of power that lends an empowered element of acceleration in the process which lessens the time the bearer has to wait for the "return" of losses! Albina says that this spelll can assist in many areas and instances such as:
*regaining what has been stolen or taken from one without permission
*the "resurfacing" of opportunities or choices which were passed over or "lost"
*reinstating property or financial losses due to misfortune, errors or missteps
* the restoration of "serenity" and peace that has been lost due to unnessesary stress, conflicts or disagreements around the bearer and one's environment
*the "return" of lost relations and a "rekindling" of past feelings and ties to others
*the return of self-love, confidence, strength and feelings of "wellness" as well as former physical health when ill
*The return of justice, honor and respect that has been elusive or overshadowed by betrayals or dishonorable actions around and towards the bearer
She notes that these are only a "few instances" of how this AMAZING form of Magick can "restore" and "return" what is "right and satisfactory". Albina also wanted me to note that this form of Magick will also "assist in returning a sense of beneficial direction" to those who feel they may have
lost their way"!! She says that this assistance will lead one to better choices, self awareness and a GREAT empowering of one's sense of self that will prevent future losses from occuring! She advises tht one once again allow for 2-3 weeks in order to allow the Magickal's energies to align with one's own! My Greatest Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her wisdom and abilities!!