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Product description: The Bewitched Tree Audio Cd! [Audio CD] Eli B. Toresen (Author) Meet Eli B. Toresen! Where do you live, and where did you grow up? I live in a city called Sandnes, in Norway. I grew up in this city. What books did you like as a child? I loved the books by Astrid Lindgren (who wrote Pippi Longstocking) and also “The Fabulous Five” series. And I liked reading books about animals. When and why did you decide to become a writer? Did you write stories when you were a child? I’ve always had a vivid imagination and as a child I loved making up stories and writing them down. But it never occurred to me that I might one day be an author. It happened by chance when one of my colleagues challenged me. I had just read a manuscript (a horse fiction story) that didn’t impress me at all and I said: “I could have written a much better story than this one.” My colleague said to me: “Then why don’t you?” So I did. This happened in 1989 and I’ve been writing horse fiction for the Pony book clubs ever since. Who is R.E. Toresen?:-) The R stands for Rune. This is the name of my youngest son. He helped me research a lot of practical details when I wrote my very first stories (this was before the Internet!), so I thought it would be a good idea to include his initial when I set up an author name. I still didn’t look at myself as a “real” author at the time, so I felt awkward using my own full name. This is why I starting writing under the initials R. E. plus my last name.