Being God's Man As A Satisfied Single/ Being single is one thing. Being a satisfied single is something else. You may be single by choice or circumstance. You may plan to marry and have a family, or you may sense a call to lifelong singleness. Even so, your situation is God's will for you now. What will you learn from it? And how will you survive the temptations confronting you today? You know firsthand that single men face unique spiritual and moral struggles. Character is the cornerstone of being God's man as a single in today's culture. To live a life committed to Christ, you must master the issues of sexual integrity, isolation, contentment, spiritual battle, and identity in Christ. Being God's a Satisfied Single is designed to help you do just that. Not only will you gain practical information, you'll become driven by a powerful, supernatural motivation—one that transcends feelings and helps you win the battle every day. Eight sessions of Bible study questions, "real life" case studies, and group discussion questions facilitate personal encounters with God and other men in this practical study. A leader's section is included.
Stephen Arterburn, Kenny Luck, Todd Wendorff & Carl Moeller, ISBN-13: 9781578566839, Pages 80