Literature 2.0: Articles about booksAlexander Chantsev, a theoretician of literature and a literary critic, analyzes contemporary literature published in Russia, and tries to find out what ideas and trends are in the focus of public interest now.Why Lovecraft's monster Cthulhu has revived nowadays, and S. Rushdi together with K. Kraht are expecting messijah from the East? Where do the trees go in the fairy tales by V. Votrin, what is hidden in the castle of pain from the story by Yu. Kisina, and who has triple dreams in short novels by A. Ilyichevskiy? Why are Japanese culture, anti-utopic novels and lesbian petry so popular? And, finally, why complicated reflections of the nazi past of E. Junger and E. Choran, discussion between P. Esterhasi and M. Kundera with communistic system, and oecumenical ideas of L.Ulitskaya are of the public interest?