The Compozitor Publishing House â? Saint-Petersburg calls your attention to the collection "Romantic Trio" for violin, violoncello and piano by the wonderful petersburgian composer Natalia Karsh.Giving birth to the incredible sounding imaginative sphere, the author gives her performers the chance to travel via different stages of the European chamber music.The exquisite French baroque musique de chambre, touched, however by the impressionistic phonations is traced in the piece "Lesson of the French". The sweet melody of the "Romantic Aria" grows to the apotheosis of the intimate love lyrics of the 19th century.The "Two Preludes" abound with simultaneously elusive and dazzling phonations and melodic turns, as if the author's sounding brush draws in the impressionistic manner, developing analogous reminiscences of the "Lesson of the French".The grotesque piece "The Russian" sparkles with polyintonational turns â?? from Minuet to the Kamarinskaya.The editor of this publication Viktoria Kalshchikova, the teacher, considers the pieces by Natalia Karsh to evoke any student's stylistic understanding to be mastered and perfected, thus making new aims for pedagogues.ContentsLESSON OF THE FRENCH ROMANTIC ARIA TWO PRELUDESTHE RUSSIAN