Brand new factory sealed dvd.
Dumpy loser Hal (Jack Black), along with buddy Mauricio ('Seinfeld's' Jason Alexander), will only go after supermodel-perfect women (with predictable results), until self-help guru Tony Robbins hypnotizes him with mind-bending results which allows him to see the inner beauty of the women he encounters.
This leads him to meet and pursue Rosemary (Gwyneth Paltrow), who he sees as the physical ideal, but the rest of the world knows to be 300 pounds. Meanwhile, Hal's playboy pal Mauricio is determined to break the spell before someone gets crushed.
The Farrelly's ('Three Stooges', 'Theres Something About Mary' & 'Me, Myself and Irene') try to have it both ways, a movie that has its cake and eats it several times over, gorging on fat jokes and then adding a syrup of sentimentality to excuse them by projecting the message that appearences shouldn't matter.