Brand new factory sealed dvd double feature hosted by Maria Kanellis is Out Of Print in all formats making these rare collectible titles.

SCREAM: For reasons never quite explained, a handful of river rafters decide to head downstream to an isolated Texas ghost town for some rest and relaxation. Soon their rafts have been sabotaged and one by one they're being picked off by an unseen predator. Could it be the pair of helpful dirt bikers that show up out of nowhere? Or what about action/western favorite Woody Strode who shows up on horseback? Or perhaps it's one of the rafters themselves?

Made at the height of the theatrical slasher boom, the major point of interest is the odd cast of character actors including a young Ethan Wayne (son of John), Hank Worden, and Alvy Moore. That said, there's a certain homegrown charm at work here if your willing to coast along with the sleep-inducing pacing and oddball tangents.

BARN of the NAKED DEAD (aka Nightmare Circus): Featuring a similar setup to 'the Texas Chainsaw Massacre', the story's your standard chestnut about three girls driving through the middle of nowhere who wind up in big trouble, and in this case our protaganists are wannabe showgirls. Their trek to Vegas gets waylaid when their car breaks down, leaving them stuck in the desert.

Help arrives in the form of Andre (TV westerns staple, Andrew Prine), who takes them out to his farm where he keeps a caged cougar around for company. Unfortunately the snooping girls stumble on his big secret, namely a bunch of women chained in his barn for a twisted circus routine with his prisoners as animals. Our three little showgirls wind up becoming the newest main attraction, while their suspicious agent and the local police start searching for the missing ladies. Oh, and there's something very strange, very big, and very ticked off lurking in the nearby outhouse...