Box has been cut and mounted in a white, hard plastic clamshell keepcase. Cassette is nice and clean with a small narrow 'rewind' sticker across the bottom edge of the title label. Pre-viewed for quality and plays fine. Has decent color and slightly letterboxed in it's 1:33.1 aspect ratio. Appears to have been a Canadian release with British movie board codes on box.

Out Of Print and only available as a cheapjack dvd-r. These won't play on recordable devices, use the same source print as the vhs, have random chapter stops rather than placed carefully, no special features, and are kind of pricey.

Originally co-billed with the 'Mysterians' in 1959, director Kurt Neumann died before it was released. Following the end of WWI, son of Allan Quartermain, Harry (George Montgomery), takes a trip to the land of fire to search for King Solomon's mines. Real African scenery and animals. He wears a special medallion given to him by his father from the Watusi tribe, who guard the mines. The Watusi warriors were extras played by the UCLA basketball team.

With him is his friend Rick Cobb (David Farrar). Along the way, they meet and take with them Erica Neuler (Tania Elg) the daughter of a missionary who was killed by a local tribe. Harry has antagonistic feelings toward Erica because she is German. His mother and 8 year old sister were killed by Germans when the boat they were on was sank by a German U-boat. Can he overcome the dangers of hostile tribesman, dangerous territory, and his own anger to find the treasure and the love of his life?

The movie ends rather abrubtly with the end credits purposely blacked out as you can still hear the soundtrack rolling. The Orlons had a hit single, "the Wah-Watusi" and a new dance craze swept the country for a few weeks when this was originally released. A very rare and Out Of Print title.