Salamanders have been long been regarded their mystical powers.
The salamander comes to those who are in need of change in their lives.
You are not here by accident
One of the salamander’s fascinating characteristics is their magical ability of regeneration. They can regrow legs or tails if these are bitten off by a predator.
They are also known for their ability to withstand flames. They are usually the only animal alive after a forest fire ravishes a woodland habitat.
This beautiful Spell Cast Salamander pendant was triple cast with my most powerful spells for endurance and regeneration.
These spells can help you to withstand the Challenging flames of of life!
No matter how much negativity comes your way, and lets face it there is alot of it in the World today! You will be able to come out of it looking and feeling better than you ever have before!
The Salamander Pendant has wonderful powers of:
Turning back the aging clock
Regeneration of organs
Good Luck
Enhanced psychic abilities
Power over physical and spiritual negativity
Please do not delay your purchase. I only have a few of these due to the time required for this specific spell cast.
The Salamander pendant is beautiful! Done in polished sterling silver with crystals down his back. It comes with a sterling silver chain.