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? Please note that these items and services must by law be sold for entertainment purposes only. We cannot make any claims or guarantees relative to any outcome(s) pertaining to products we offer. We are also required to state that our Magickal items are sold as curios!! WE DO take our Religion and lifestyle very seriously and our practices are hundreds of years old, rich with great knowledge, skill and history. With that said, our items or services are not intended nor should they replace any proper medical or psychological care. Blessed be. )O(




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About the Chamber: 2" long x 2" wide x 2" deep, CRYSTAL HEART TINY TRINKET BOX Gorgeous!



Albina has consecrated this LOVELY FREE W/ $49 OR MORE ORDER with a spell based on Celtic Magick (renamed) and what she calls the "The Evergreens" spell. 

Albina explains that this spell is derived from Magick that was "often used to cleanse and strengthen and renew the mind, heart and being after periods of darkness" , mush like the Evergreen survives the Winter's cold, so that one could "once again stand, sure footed within the light of a new dawn!"Albina says that she considers this spell "invaluable" and one that she has given as a "gift to many". This spell has three main elements:

Well of Warmth: This element of the spell will draw in the very POTENT energies that will assist one in "healing one's entire being both physically and spiritually" by cleansing one of negative energies that can create dis-ease or disordered states of "being". Albina says that many have relayed to her that after contact with such an imbued piece, they "sleep better and without interruption, gain an enhanced state of inner peace, find their immune system has strengthened, phsyical and mental pain is lessened, personal power is increased, a "silent and perfect" stillness is discovered that promotes a great calmness and peace and finally greater acceptance and receptivity of positive enrgies that can further increase one's state of being!

Healer of Heart: Albina says that this element of the spell can GREATLY assist one in healing a "broken" heart or even "creating reconciliation" by assisting one in "rising above" one's pain or hurt and accepting "imperfections" if this is in one's best interest. Finally, these energies can also draw in NEW love interests with these same energies which attract and promote great love. Albina says that the ancient energies that are drawn in can grant one immense LOVE, and whether this love is utilized to care for and heal oneself, to reconcile a relationship or to begin a new relationship, these energies " will offer great Blessings of nuturement and love for the bearer!" Albina says it is also not uncommon to see "signs or hatred or disagreement completely dissipate after the introduction of this Magickal!"

Lighted Journies: Albina says that this final element will grant the bearer " a stronger mind that is able to not only able to understand and create order, skills and more efficient thought", one will also be able to gain "Amaidechta" which loosely translates from Celt to English as "Magickal Skill". This skill is gained as one's mind gains "strength" and one begins to "travel spiritually" to other places or to visit those across great distances. She says that one will notice that "true journies take place after one has this Magickal in possession for about 2-3 months time". However, she says one will also notice " heightened psychic connections and even spiritual communication,. especially with ancestor spirits" as the energies of this element begin to take effect!! Albina says one shouls not be surprised if one is visited ( usually within a dream) by a relative that has left this plane.

Albina has once again suggested that one try to carry or wear this LOVELY pendant for at least 2-3 weeks. However, with this particular spell, if one could continue wearing or carrying this piece for longer than this period, she says " this will only assist one in experiencing greater, more powerful experiences". She also suggests that one store this piece near one's bedside when removing the piece at day's end. My greatest Blessings and Love to Albina for all of her amazing time!


)O( )O( )O(





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