Wood wheel barrel replica with scroll cut Design Let's make a Deal. Price too high? Please make us an offer! Description: Small Hand Made Wood scroll wheel barrel. The wheels turn. Exquisite detail. Excellent craftsmanship. W.C.Z. 1996 written on the bottom. It is not put together with nails. Please see photos. Dimensions: 3.5 inch H x 7.75 inch L x 3.25 inch D Insurance: Covers the cost of your Product. The latest in packaging materials used to insure the opportunity for safe delivery. Expedited Delivery: Priority Mail with the option for Ground. Unique Memorabilia and a hard to find quality Collectible in very good condition! Sold as shown in photos. Comes from a Serious Collector from their High End Estate Auction. We will deliver free within a 40 mile radius of Gallatin, Missouri 64640 and deliver for a small fee within 60 mile radius of 64640. We work hard to find that perfect match to fulfill your need with follow-up and communication to insure a successful purchase. Angel Buy – Sell - Trade |