Scanning is the act of sensing spiritual energy. Scanning can be useful to identify certain types of energies in people, places, and things. It is used in spiritual healing to detect energy blockages, and spiritual impurities in the aura.
Scanning will also allow you to tell the difference between certain energies. if there are dark energies, sinister energies, or one is being attacked by "unseen and unknown forces" energy scanning works to find and reveal how to unfold the mysteruy of why one is the "target" of such an assault!!
Scanning can be fairly easy or time consuming depending on the depth, volume and nummber of the energies that are causing the issues for one.
Allow Albina, a 99 year old Master of the higher Magickal Arts scan and find the answers you have been searching for as far as blockages one is experiencing, attacks one has been subjected to or even being targeted or prey to unknown forces, energies or entities!
Albina can help and she can provide the enlightment, assistance and THOROUGH healing one has been hoping for!!
This scan takes 7-10 days for the most thorough examination of all the energies that come on contact with one and one's environment