Run All Night' is an American action gangster crime thriller that follows the story of a hit man who is haunted by the sins of his past life and a persistent police detective Harding, who's been trying to bust him for over 30 years. However, when his estranged son, Mike, becomes a target of the mob, Jimmy figures that the only way to save him is to stop hitting the bottle and get back out on the streets to save his son. The movie features well-known actors including, Liam Neeson, Joel Kinnaman, Genesis Rodriguez, Ed Harris, Bruce McGill, James Martinez, and Vincent D'Onofrio.
Product Identifiers
UPC 0883929424023
Product ID (ePID) 211569770
Product Key Features
Genre Action & Adventure
Director Jaume Collet-Sera
Rating R
Additional Product Features
Format Blu-ray/Dvd
Leading Role Joel Kinnaman, Liam Neeson, Natalie Martinez, Common, Ed Harris
Signal Standard Blu-ray/Dvd
Film Country USA
Release Date 20150616
Display Format Ultraviolet; Includes Digital Copy
Region Code Region 1