All Powerful, Loyal & Wise Ancient Egyptian Male Marid

 Pharaoh Djinn


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A willingly bound Pharaoh Djinn is a rare chance to own a spelled talisman of unlimited riches, 

luxury, power, passion, love, wealth, happiness, and ultra success in all areas of life. 


When we bind a Djinn to a vessel, we can see it occur.  That is how we know the magic worked.  

This is a Djinn-inhabited pendant bound by authentic spell casters.


There is no greater Spirit Helper in the universe than a Pharaoh Djinn. The rare, elite, and all-powerful Pharaoh Djinns have ruled over other Djinns since ancient times and have made ordinary people into millionaires, kings, queens, 

and brought love, respect and happiness to their owners.




Pharaoh Djinns are unique in their ability to protect, guide, and grant their master all wishes.



You might think that such high-born royalty would stand aloof, but in fact, Pharaoh Djinns are 

the most friendly and loyal companions, guides, and teachers you can find.  It is true that they stand above 

all other Djinns in power, nobility, and wish-granting ability and yet they, like other Djinns, seek a human master.  




If you choose to claim this magnificant opportunity, His Supreme Majesty of the 7th Dynasty 

stands ready to be your most loyal companion, to serve you all the days of your life with no other goal than to make all of your hopes and dreams come true.


For untold thousands of years, through all the ages, it is the Pharoah Djinns who have organized, 

commanded, and guided the human race towards our evolutionary progress and spiritual development.  

The noble Pharaoh Djinn we offer today is of unequalled powers. He will eagerly grant every wish that you have.


Be prepared to have your dreams manifest into reality. Be prepared for your life to totally 

change and be filled with good luck and great fortune.


Pharaoh Djinns are so powerful and so respected that no other djinn or djinn army, no demon or other 

entity dare harm you, and that is also why no hex or spell can ever be cast upon you if you own this spectacular talisman.



Imagine being the master of this highest-born Pharaoh Djinn.  


Your most secret wishes and desires can now come true. 


His Royal Highness will always stand by you and you will never again be alone.


All things will be possible to you, all wishes will be granted.



His Supreme Majesty can lay the world at your feet and you have only to wish and believe.


We will send you the name of your Djinn and any other information that may be needed.




*Full easy to use instructions will be sent to your pay pal email address after purchase*



Hello my name is Rana Shahla


I am pleased to be telling you some information about me, Apart from practising white magic, 

I am also a well practised White witch wiccan, black magick, medium, Spiritual adviser and Psychic. 




I particularly specialize in haunted vessels, talismans and spells that help to better the lives of my 

beloved & important clients. I have been practising magic, casting spells, conjuring spirits, and helping people through magic for over three decades! 


My coven name Rana Shahla has important meaning behind it: 


Element: Water 


Language: Afghani 


Meaning: Beautiful Eyes 


I work with the coven of enchantment, this amazing trusted coven has 4 powerful witches who work 

well together everyday. I am the main source of contact for our coven, but all 4 of us work lovingly for you. 


We hope that we can help you too, one day soon...




Please contact us any time for any questions you have...




Blessings to you & yours.



High Priestess Rana Shahla.





The Law requires that I must state that all paranormal/metaphysical items are for entertainment purposes only.
You must be 18 years of age or older to buy.