Brand new factory sealed vhs tape. Perfect for old school televisions as the image will fill your square screen. Retro pop-n-go video has no fussy menus to mess with either.

As if a ghost or mirage, Clint Eastwood suddenly appears from out of the desert. He rides into town and pits everyone against each other. In the first 20 minutes he kills 3 people and rapes a woman! A man with no name and known only as the Stranger, he is hired by the town to protect it from three gunmen just out of jail.

Prior to their arrival, he orders the town painted red and renamed "Hell". Is he really the Angel of Death out to avenge his own murder? The bullets from the bad guys never seem to hit their intended target, or do they just pass right through him. Also, each outlaw seems to recognize the Stranger just before death. Ambiguous enough to be interpretated in more than one way.

One of my all-time favorite westerns was followed up with a nominal sequel, 'Pale Rider'.