*~*~ALLOW OUR FULL COVEN LED BY ALBINA, OUR 99 YEAR OLD HIGH SCHOLAR AND FORMER HIGH PRIESTESS TO 27X CAST A HIGHLY POTENT "Witch's Eyes" spell. This is a VERY POTENT form of Magick that promotes MANY enhanced psychic gifts, detailed visions of past and future events, uncovers "hidden" traits and finally grants protection from psychic "dangers"when journeying by repelling any "evil" intent. Albina says that the effect of this amazing spell allows a one to gain enhanced psychic power due to the precise time of consecration and herbal ingredients that Alexandria deemed crucial for this spell's success. She adds that Alexandria used many of the elements of the Artemisia Botanical Family in order to achieve a "truly profound spell with extraordinary effects upon the bearer's ability to see beyond constraints and limitations while remaining protected from harm". However, her exact ingredients shall remain a secret as Albina has sworn to never reveal them! She says that this spell "will bring forth "opened eyes" by awakening psychic talents, abilities and revealing visions about the past, present and future!! Albina says that it is this new found information and wisdom that can grant access to KEY knowledge that can dramatically change one's entire life's journey!"
She says that one should expect to "feel a steady, growing warmth" which will first indicate one's quickly developing and enhanced energies. She adds that this is "normal" and to be expected as one's aura is cleansed and one's personal energy field is empowered with the Ancient energies that the spell brings forth and into one's energy field. Albina explains that Alexandria "was naturally 'gifted' and able to access detailed information about the future and the past. In turn, she strongly felt that it was a "gift" that all should share in order to further their development and enhance their strengths as they moved forward on life's path!"?
In closing she says that one should allow for 2-3 weeks in order for the Magick's energies to align with one's own. MY SINCERE Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her time and talents!!!
My Thanks as always to the wonderful Albina!! GREATEST BLESSINGS Albina!!
*~*~MY Thanks and SINCERE Blessings to Albina and OUR amazing Coven for all of their amazing time and energies!! Blessings to all who visit here and Blessed be!!*~*~