Box cover has a barely visible sticker shadow on the lower right corner. Both spines have a light crease down them. Pre-viewed for quality and plays great, thanks to the foil store branded security sticker on the right endcap of the clean cassette, assuring you of first generation quality. Retro pop-n-go video with no pesky menus to navigate.

The box states that this is an extremely rare sourceprint found in a Prague government archives vault. Every effort was made to restore damage and certain irregularities are to be expected. Out Of Print in all formats and no longer being manufactured.

Believing his devotion to the ancient god Anubis and by possession of the jewel "the Eternal Light," that it will resurrect him, the professor has his servant bind the jewel to his palm while on his deathbed. He indeed dies and is entombed in the family mausoleum. But the schemes of his attorney, a vicar and family heirs are soon disrupted when professor Morlant makes good on that promise and stalks those who betrayed him, thunder and lightning roll & the murders begin...

Rich in visual atmosphere with hammy performances by all, the film is strangely enchanting and fun if your in the mood (Halloween) for such spirited nonsense served with old-fashioned bravura.