You are buying a gently used and 100% authentic Louis Vuitton Lockit handbag. This item was purchased in 2006 and will come with a copy of the receipt (personal information is removed). I lost the keys to the lock, but you may be able to bring this bag with the lock to a boutique and they can assist you -- not sure really, I never really bothered with it. The lock is open and will come with the bag in the interior pocket (you can see the lock in the main pic -- it is on the receipt copy). Size: 11.4" x 11" x 4.7"
- Monogram canvas, textile lining and natural cowhide trimming
- Golden brass pieces
- Zipper and padlock closure
- Inside patch pocket and a cell phone pocket
- Hand held
- Padlock (but, again, keys are misplaced and lock is open)....
The bottom shows signs of use and on one side of the bottom has blue which is probably from the dye on my jeans.... The interior is clean. I have more pics of this item, so please email me and I will email as many pics as you request :).
Please email me with any questions that you may have as ALL SALES ARE FINAL....