Out Of Print in all formats. Pre-viewed for quality and everything is like new.
In this, the teens instruct the teacher in the joys of pool parties and horror films. Elke Sommer is the cranky housekeeper who trys to keep them in line. The kids start out as loathsome characters and go downhill from there. So you can't wait for them to get it by the killer in drag with lawnmower shredding and sickle attacks.
The soundtrack is right out of 'Scream' which should have got the composer in trouble. With a very high body count in the last 10 minutes that rivals 'Tennebrae' with it's sheer decimation of characters. A fairly colorful film with beautiful exterior shots, misplaced black humour & gaping plot holes.
Stay tuned for outtakes after the movie that shows a largely English (?!) speaking cast. Which begs the question, why was it dubbed with ludicrous dialogue delivered in the most off-handed manner possible? It all adds up to one of the oddest entries in the genre.