This activation will assist one in ascending. You will understand the lights bright for seeing, for looking, for feeling, for energy, for enlightenment. You will use the light in all ways that it can be given to you. Use the light in all ways that it can be accepted into your body and into your
society and into your beings. As your spirit grows your light is growing also. Be part of what you feel, be part of what it is around you, because light causes vision, light causes joy, light causes enlightenment.
The Lyrans are Feline Beings from the Vega star system, where the original experiments for creating a Divine HUman DNA template began. They have been a consistent part of my journey, and were the first to show me interdimensional stargates. Sometimes they are referred to as white lion BEings, since they have white hair and have a very regal lion-like appearance.
This is a blessing and Divine Human DNA activation for this transformational passage. After this is performed your cells will quiver with the harmonics, and you will felt a deep sense of peace, unity and unconditional love.
We begin with Lightship tones; the sounds we hear when the ships and Beings are near. They work closely with the Sirians, and I feel the language reflects that influence. Light language is not translatable word-by word. In our experience it is tones, sensations or geometry interpreted by the conduit to convey messages, activations, or intentions.
ET contacts speak telepathically, and yet this language has flowed through us for decades. It seems to be shifting, taking on a new level with the presence of Source codes. These harmonics used are a crystalline bridge of their own kind.
This activation performed for you both contains codes of balance for this powerful phase, embodiment and DNA restoration. The Lyrans remind us to practice toning and harmonics, in order to remember how to alter form with our pure intent and voices. The skill of moving, building, creating reality through sound is returning to us.
This transmission captures the harmony which many of us have with this kind of contact. This sound journey is light-encoded to assist your Ascension process.
This will take at least 48 hours to fully align
Blessings and Light )O(