Invent Everywhere - First setup takes seconds


Craft & Code

Supermarket Circuits

Build your own sensors

Craft & Code

Make a controller with everyday materials like Play-doh or graphite pencil. Control your favorite Scratch game while you learn to code.

Supermarket Circuits

Is a banana conductive? The world is full of conductive objects & materials. Make musical circuits with items that are already in your fridge!

Build your own sensors

Using foil, pennies, and paper clips, invent sensors just like scientists do.



Invented at MIT

Think Big

Free Lesson Plans

Invented at MIT

Designed by MIT PhD's to foster open-ended exploration and creative learning.

Think Big

A staircase or even a whole house can become a musical instrument. Build creative confidence!

Free Lesson Plans

Ten lesson plans tied to the Common Core along with 1000s of other guides available on our website.

Make STEM learning fun! Ever played Mario on Play-Doh? or Piano on Bananas?
All in one place. Perfect for school districts, workshops, makerspaces
Makey Makey STEM Pack

What is Makey Makey

Turn the whole world into a keyboard! It's a simple Invention Kit for Beginners or Experts doing art, engineering, and everything in between.

How Does it Work?

Alligator Clip two objects to the Makey Makey. For example, you and a banana (or an ice cube, or a kitty cat). When you touch the banana, the computer just thinks a keyboard key is being pressed, so you can type a letter, jump in a video game, take a picture, or play some music.

Who is Makey Makey For?

Kids, Artists, Educators, Engineers, Inventors, Makers. Really it is for everyone.

What materials work with Makey Makey?

Ketchup, Pencil Graphite, Plants, Pets, Really any material that can conduct at least a tiny bit of electricity.

What can I create?

Make a banana piano, play Mario on a play dough game pad, take a selfie of your cat every time she drinks water. 1000s of Projects & Lesson Plans can be found at such as: Simple Circuits Challenge, Blackout Poetry, Distance Rate and Time Switches

Simple Circuits Challenge - Plug + Play Controller - Blackout Poetry - Musical Water