
"Kneading Blade / Paddle"

*New Heat Resistant Heavy Duty Plastic Version 

*Eliminates the problem the old metal version was prone to, which is the non-stick coating that flakes or peels off.

*Fits the shaft very tight. 

*You must line up the flat side of the shaft with the flat side of the hole in the paddle when installing the paddle to the shaft. Once lined up, you will then place your thumb on the post of the paddle where the shaft-way hole is and push down very firmly until the paddle pops into place on the shaft.

is for use with:

Goldstar Breadmaker

Automatic Dough and Bread Maker

Model Numbers: HB-020E, HB-026E, HB-036E, HB-152CE, HB-202CE

If you have any questions, please ask before you "Buy."

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