Brand new factory sealed oversized case holds 2 vhs tapes, the upper left spine has a light crease. Full frame picture is perfect for old school televisions as it will fill your square frame. Retro pop-n-go video has no fussy menus to contend with either.

Epic story crams the first 22 chapters of Genesis into one monumental nearly 3 hour motion picture achievement.

Highlights include the awesome wonder of Creation with Adam (Michael Parks) and Eve (Ulla Bergryd) who begat us all, their sons Cain (Richard Harris) & Abel (the first murder on Earth when there was only 4 people on it), the story of Noah and the Flood (with director John Huston in front of the camera delivering a commanding performance as the builder of the Ark). An impressive amount and variety of real animals are used for the gathering at the Ark, no CGI. By the way, Huston also narrates the picture and is also the voice of God in several scenes!

The story of the Tower of Babel with Stephen Boyd as Nimrod, George C. Scott as Abraham with Ava Gardner as his wife Sarah, and Peter O'Toole as the haunting presence of the 3 Angels of God at Sodom and Gemorrah.