Silence: A medieval adventure 
in story and song

Award winner for Story Recordings, Storytelling World Magazine

This funny and fascinating tale from the 13th century is the story of a girl raised as a boy to protect her vast inheritance (since girls could not inherit property in the England of the story). She becomes a kind of 13th-century Annie Oakley -- anything the fellows can do, she can do better -- as she follows her heart into a life as a traveling minstrel, a valiant knight, a trusted advisor to the king. Then ... well, then things get complicated.

The story is told in the voice and spirit of a cranky old crone who freely expresses her opinions as she spins the tale. The story is interwoven with exuberant melodies and haunting harmonies of the time, as played by the musical trio PanHarmonium on reproductions of medieval instruments: harp, recorders, lute, viol, psaltery, and wonderful weird percussion.

This hour-long story invites you to leave behind the hassles of the 21st century world, and enter a world of greed, jealousy, seduction, trickery ... wait! That IS the 21st century world! Hmmm... maybe things haven't changed that much in 800 years, after all. 

The CD of Silence is just the thing for people who spend a lot of time in the car. Its intriguing plot twists and array of strange characters will keep the driver awake, keep the kids quiet (well, maybe), and make an hour fly by. Great to keep the boredom at bay on treadmills, too!