Plot: As America struggled through the Great Depression in the 1930s, a little girl with big dimples and indescribable charm danced her way into the hearts of moviegoers around the world. Based on the true story of child star Shirley Temple, portrayed by look-alike Ashley Rose Orr, this delightful film follows Shirley's early career, starting with her discovery by a studio executive at age four. Adored by the public almost overnight, Shirley quickly became Hollywood's top box office draw. But as her fame grew to legendary status, Shirley's parents, George and Gertrude Temple, struggled to protect her from overzealous fans, Hollywood exploitation and, eventually, the end of her studio contract and the threat of financial ruin. Filled with famous song-and-dance routines, wonderfully recreated and expertly performed, CHILD STAR: THE SHIRLEY TEMPLE STORY, is pure joy for families and fans worldwide! 110520-110520P-VHS1
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