on 8 1/2" x 11" paper, over 100 pages
Exact title is: Handbook of Maintenance Instructions for Target Control Transmitting Equipment RC-56-A RC-56-A is nomenclature for standard Target Control Transmitting Equipment, unclassified as of 1946 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1343/9895/files/1946-04-01GraphicSurveyofRadioandRadarEquipmentUsedbytheAAFSection5RemoteControlandTVEquipment.pdf "For Official Use Only" to those with official positions in His Majesty's Service. AN 08-10-182 "Published under joint authority of the U.S. War and Navy Departments and the Air Council of the United Kingdom" Covers: AN-129-A BC-462-A (photo) BC-463-A (photo) BC-495-A (photo) BC-869-B BC-1204-A (photo) CD-868 A and B CD-869 A and B CD-870 A and B CD-871 CH-174-A D-6A storage battery FT-442-A (photo) FT-443-A HS-23 headset (photo) IE-61-A (photo) M359 and A PE-96-A Power Unit (photo) PE-126-A (photo) some highlighting and hand written notes Description Installation and Adjustment Theory and Operation, detailed Maintenance Parts diagrams Tube pinouts / diagrams Table of replaceable parts Drawings / Schematics (pages fold out) I also have B-52 generators, for sale, rebuilt the the U.S. |