0025192188817 Three Unlikely Heroes Since the dawn of time, Minions have served (and accidentally eliminated) history's most despicable villains. After their latest explosive mistake leaves them without an evil leader, the Minions fall into a deep depression. With the tribe on the brink of collapse, three unlikely heroes—Kevin, Stuart, and Bob—embark on a journey to find a new big boss. When their quest leads them to their next potential master, Scarlet Overkill (Academy Award winner Sandra Bullock), our three heroes must face their biggest challenge yet: saving all of Minionkind… from annihilation! Kevin Kevin is the protective "Big Brother" and knows that minions without a master are minions without a purpose. He is the leader of this Motley Crew on a mission to save his tribe. Stuart Stuart is the "Middle Brother" and the perennial adolescent. He is also an aspiring rock star. Bob Bob is the eager "Little Brother" of the crew and the innocent one. He embodies an unconditional love for everyone and everything. Editorial Reviews The Minions, breakout stars from "Despicable Me," are presented in an origin story that showcases their unpredictable personality and physicality, and pairs them with equally memorable human characters. As it turns out, Minions have existed since the beginning of time. They have evolved from single (yellow) cell organisms into the familiar beings we know, and they live for a collective purpose: to seek out and serve the most despicable master they can find. Academy Award winner Sandra Bullock will lead the voice cast of the human characters as Scarlett Overkill, the world's reigning super-villain of the 1960s. |