American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! Issue Date: JUNE 1975; VOLUME 39, ISSUE 395 IN THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. FRONT COVER: Still Life with Wildflowers, by Robert Maione, oil, 29oe x 25V2. Photo by Emmet Bright. Rome. DIANE BURKO: GOING PLACES by Diane Cochrane. Using photographs for reference is a controversial issue that Diane Burko discusses with enthusiasm; she finds photography an indispensable tool for her painting of mountain landscapes. LAURA ZIEGLER: PORTRAITS IN TERRA-COTTA by Diane Cochrane. An internationally known sculptor, Ziegler works intuitively to capture the essence of each sitter, yet calls each work a self-portrait. THE LUMINOUS WORLD OF ROBERT MAIONE by Ruth Carter. An American living in Umbria, Robert Malone celebrates the Italian landscape in his painting. His work is personal and perceptive, the result of his intimacy with his subject. THE VERSATILE GENIUS OF COROT by Alfred Werner. The 100th anniversary of Camille Corots death has rekindled the flames of controversy surrounding his work. A modest, solitary figure, Corot has been the subject of heated debates among critics. THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: RALPH FABRI. AMERICAN ARTIST 5 indebted to Ralph Fabri. Until his passing earlier this year, he wrote many articles and book reviews for the magazine, writing which expressed his sensitivity to the problems of the artist striving for self-expression. He was a painter, teacher, writer, and friend; we miss him. ACROSS THE THRESHOLD OF A CAREER: KATHY GLIDDEN by Mary Carroll Nelson. From the Southwest comes this young and gifted artist whose drawings convey her attachment to her environment. Her pen-and-inks are contemporary. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. QUICK TIPS. TECHNICAL PAGE by Ralph Mayer. PROFESSIONAL PAGE by Betty Chamberlain. BULLETIN BOARD. ART BOOKS. ART MART. FOOTNOTES. This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)