To strengthen bladder and prostate function.
Pumpkin seeds strengthen the function of the urinary organs, and in men it solves problems with the prostate and urinary tract. Necessary in the period of growth, stress and physical effort, as well as in unbalanced diets. Pumpkin seeds are used as a dietary supplement with B vitamins. It has a positive effect on the bloodstream. They can be used preventively in order to prevent dysfunction of these organs.
The contents of the capsule can be mixed with muesli, yogurt or fruit juice.
It is especially recommended as a dietary supplement to preserve the healthy function of the bladder and prostate, and promotes controlled urine excretion.
Gluten and lactose free.
It is less known that the fruit of the pumpkin contains an amino acid that stimulates the secretion of serotonin in the body, a hormone that creates a cheerful mood and a feeling of happiness. That is why it is much better that, instead of tablets, a person who is in a bad mood eats a slice of boiled or roasted pumpkin, folk doctors advise. In the daily diet, experts claim, it prevents anxiety and the appearance of depression.
Pumpkin seed oil, vitamin E.
Method of application:
1 capsule daily with plenty of fluids.
Packaging: 32 capsules