Sandra Bullock (CRASH, MISS CONGENIALITY) stars as a housewife troubled by a tragic premonition in Mennan Yapo's thriller. Linda Hanson's life revolves around her beloved daughters (Shyann McClure and Courtney Taylor Burness) and her husband, Jim (Julian McMahon, CHARMED). The familiar, picture-perfect terrain of her existence is abruptly shattered when she is informed that Jim has died in a gruesome car accident, and Linda spends the rest of the day in shock. When she awakes the next morning to find Jim calmly eating breakfast in the kitchen, however, she is even more disturbed. As the week progresses, Linda wakes up to find Jim alive again or dead again in an increasingly complex pattern that she struggles to make sense of. Linda realizes she's in the midst of a premonition and decides she must try to save Jim, but when she finds out he might have been cheating on her, her resolve is seriously tested. PREMONITION should appeal to fans of Christopher Nolan's MEMENTO and M. Night Shyamalan's THE SIXTH SENSE, as it too presents an intriguing puzzle for the audience to solve. Despite a few plot holes, the film provides an interesting take on the mutability of time. The notion of a mysterious unknown beneath the mundanity of everyday life is attractive, and the exploration of time as twistable--rather than linear--is fascinating. Nia Long (ALFIE) plays Linda's best friend, and Amber Valetta (HITCH) plays the other woman in Jim's life.