Elven Shamanic Healing Reiki Course + Bonus items + Certificate
Elven Shamanic Healing is a form of natural healing that comes to us from the Elven Realm.
The Elvens are a society much like our own, of healers, scientists, herbologists, priests, teachers, and doctors. Their knowledge in these subjects is vast and always evolving.
The Elven system uses 9 symbols to call upon different elements of their lifestyle in order to empower their healing and 5 additional Attunement symbols.
From the Founder, Violet Paille:
"The attunement I received was another seven days later, and during meditation. I was taken to a thick forest by two guides, one male and one female. They stopped at a clearing in the forest with only one large tree in the center. They then brought down the symbols and infused them into my palms, my heart, my third eye and my crown. Both of them each did this once, using one of the master symbols to sweep my aura, and cleanse my energy. They spoke the mantras in the elven language and when they were finished, looked to the sky, and assumed a namaste position. i was released from them, and felt like I was floating back into my body. The meditation ended and I could intuitively see the symbols on my hands."
The Elven Shamanic Healing Manual includes:
Elven History
Elven Gods
Symbols and Definitions
Healing Techniques
Herbal Techniques
Herbs and Their Uses
Receiving Attunements
Passing On Attunements
- two distance attunements
- manual
- bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
- signed certificate
PLUS - you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you on cd
Quite simply a distance attunement is a way of receiving information from a distance without you having to attend anywhere in person. The energy around us stores information which we can tap into at any time. There are 2 types of distance attunement - chi ball method or pre-arranged method
The Chi Ball method is the preferred system by many as this can be accessed at any time - this cuts out any problem with time zones. The energy attunement is simply "stored" in an "energy ball" for you to connect with when you are ready. Full instructions provided in manual.
Some people prefer to receive their energy attunements at a set time and date. What happens with this method is that you both arrange to meditate at the same time on the same day. I give and you receive.
Ongoing support always offered