INOFEM is intended for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. The effects of INOFEM have been clinically confirmed in a study done on women in the EU. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 5-10% of women of reproductive age. It is a set of metabolic and hormonal disorders and is one of the main causes of infertility in women. The main symptoms and signs of PCOS are related to menstrual disorders and elevated levels of male hormones (androgens). Menstrual disorders imply an irregular cycle or its complete absence. What characterizes these cycles is that most of them are anovulatory, ie without monthly maturation of the egg. This is one of the main causes of infertility in women with PCOS syndrome. Increased levels of male hormones lead to unwanted physical changes such as acne, increased facial and body hair and hair loss. It is very characteristic that most women with PCOS are diagnosed with insulin resistance. It is a condition in the body where the cells are insensitive to the effects of insulin, which leads first to an increase in blood glucose and then to high concentrations of insulin in the blood, and represents the onset of type II diabetes. The state of insulin resistance over time leads to a number of disorders such as abdominal obesity-obesity in the abdomen, elevated blood fat, elevated blood pressure ... The study showed that 81% of women experience spontaneous ovulation. Operation: It naturally regulates hormonal imbalance Regulates the menstrual cycle It reduces the number of cysts that occur in polycystic ovary syndrome It stimulates ovulation and the development of a mature egg Positively affects fertility Helps regulate blood sugar levels Reduces body weight Helps regulate blood fat Helps regulate blood pressure Composition: 1 sachet contains: Mio-inositol 2000 mg Folic acid 200 mcg Method of application: Once or twice a day, 1 bag of powder dissolved in a glass of water. Packing: 30 bags |